Where I see patients (2)
Selected research
Identification and diagnosis of ultra-rapid progressive dementia: evidence from a prospective cohort study and systematic literature review.
Journal of neurology
Genome wide association study of clinical duration and age at onset of sporadic CJD.
PloS one
Promoting Growth in Behavioral Neurology: A Path Forward.
Cognitive and behavioral neurology : official journal of the Society for Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology
Clinical trials
Enroll -HD: A Prospective Registry Study in a Global Huntington's Disease Cohort
The motor section of the UHDRS assesses motor features of HD with standardized ratings of oculomotor function, dysarthria, chorea, dystonia, gait, and postural stability. UHDRS 99 Motor, UHDRS Diagnostic Confidence Level.
Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy With Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy (CAD...
A composite Cognitive Executive Function Score will be reported based on data from two electronic assessments (Favorites and Match). Favorites tests both episodic and associative memory and consists of 2 learning trials followed b...