Psoriasis and Skin Treatment Center
The UCSF Psoriasis and Skin Treatment Center is a comprehensive practice that sees patients with severe psoriasis, especially when phototherapy is needed; eczema, including atopic dermatitis; and other phototherapy-responsive disorders, such as vitiligo, chronic itching from known or unknown causes, lichen planus and mycosis fungoides.
Doctor referral required
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Our team
Clinical trials
Support services
Plan your visit
What to Bring
- Photo I.D.
- Health insurance card
- Insurance authorization, if required
- Doctor's referral, if required
- Recent test results related to your condition
- List of your medications, including dosages, plus any you're allergic to
- List of questions you may have
- Device or paper for taking notes
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Our research initiatives
UCSF Department of Dermatology Research
The UCSF Department of Dermatology's research programs cover a broad range of investigations into skin biology and disease, ultimately leading to more effective care for patients.