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Javier Villanueva-Meyer


Coffee connoisseur and internal combustion engine enthusiast

Dr. Javier Villanueva-Meyer is a neuroradiologist who specializes in brain tumor imaging. He is experienced in CT, MRI and X-ray imaging of the head and neck, brain, spine and peripheral nervous system. He also performs image-guided procedures to diagnose and treat conditions of the nervous system, with techniques including percutaneous biopsy (image-guided skin punctures to obtain samples for analysis), lumbar puncture, myelography (examining the spinal canal), cisternography (examining the fluid around the brain and spinal cord), epidural injection and selective nerve root injection. He has a special interest in improving the quality of care in the practice of radiology and biomedical imaging.

Villanueva-Meyer's research focuses on the how best to use molecular imaging techniques for brain cancer patients. He works closely with colleagues in the UCSF Brain Tumor Center to evaluate emerging imaging and interpretation technologies.

Villanueva-Meyer earned his medical degree from Baylor College of Medicine. At UCSF, he completed a residency in diagnostic radiology and a fellowship in neuroradiology. Also at UCSF, he completed a postdoctoral fellowship funded by the National Institutes of Health as part of a program that prepares doctors to conduct research in areas that will most serve the nation's needs.

  • Education

    Baylor College of Medicine, 2011

  • Residencies

    UCSF, Diagnostic Radiology, 2016

  • Fellowships

    UCSF, Neuroradiology, 2017

  • Academic Title

    Associate Professor

My mission at UCSF is to create community – with my colleagues, students and patients.

Where I see patients (4)

    Decorative Caduceus

    Fluoroethyltyrosine for the Evaluation of Intracranial Neoplasm

    The maximum TBR (TBRmax) will be calculated by dividing the SUVmean of the 1.6 centimeter (cm) diameter circular region of interest (ROI) by the mean standardized uptake value (SUVmean) of background normal tissue.

