Dr. Nina Botto is a dermatologist who specializes in treating contact dermatitis (a rash caused by touching an irritating substance) and occupational dermatitis (a rash from workplace exposure to an irritating substance). She also cares for patients with all types of skin disease, including skin cancer, inflammatory skin diseases and acne.
Botto's research focuses on diagnosing and treating a variety of skin conditions, particularly contact dermatitis.
Botto earned her medical degree from Chicago Medical School. She then completed a residency in dermatology at Tufts Medical Center.
Believing that the relationship between patient and doctor is vital to healing, Botto is passionate about enhancing patients' health care experiences. She has organized and led efforts focused on service excellence within the dermatology department. In addition, she is a member of the UCSF Center for Enhancement of Communication in Healthcare, which focuses on improving communication skills among providers throughout UCSF, with the goal of better experiences for patients, their families and the entire health care team.
Botto serves on the board of the American Contact Dermatitis Society.