Where I see patients (1)
My reviews
Selected research
Does cognitive performance explain the gap between physiological and perceived fall-risk in people with multiple sclerosis?
Multiple sclerosis and related disorders
Opinion & Special Articles: Beyond Pronouns-Educating Trainees on the Impact of Language on Gender Inclusivity in Neurologic Practice.
Association of Menopause With Functional Outcomes and Disease Biomarkers in Women With Multiple Sclerosis.
Clinical trials
Development of Digital Biomarkers in Multiple Sclerosis: Validation Study 2
Spearman correlation coefficients higher than 0.4 (lower bound of 95% confidence interval) are considered relevant. All scheduled pairs of measurements collected during the study will be used. As the yearly observations of a patie...
VIRtual Versus UsuAL In-office Care for Multiple Sclerosis (VIRTUAL-MS)
The primary outcome will be disability worsening in one of the Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite components at 24 months. Worsening is defined as 20% worsening in Timed 25 foot walking speed (T25FW), 20% worsening in the 9 h...
Bazedoxifene Acetate as a Remyelinating Agent in Multiple Sclerosis
The primary objective is to evaluate the efficacy of BZA relative to placebo for increasing MWF on MRI within normal appearing white matter of the corpus callosum, between baseline and 90 days in a double-blinded trial (1st 90 day...