Geronima Cortese-Jimenez
Nurse navigator
Geronima Cortese-Jimenez serves as a nurse navigator, guiding new patients with cancers through the health care system. She works with her team to ensure that each patient receives the best possible care in a timely manner.
Cortese-Jimenez has jointly published research on complementary and integrative therapies used to manage the side effects of cancer and its treatments.
Cortese-Jimenez earned a bachelor's degree in anthropology at George Mason University. She then completed a master's degree in public health at George Washington University. Although she enjoyed public health, she wanted patient contact, so she went to nursing school at Marymount University and became a registered nurse. She also earned certification as an oncology nurse through the Oncology Nursing Society and is a graduate of its leadership development program.
Cortese-Jimenez has presented on various oncology topics nationally and internationally for organizations such as the Oncology Nursing Society and Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. She spoke at the second annual Oncology Nursing Congress in Viña del Mar, Chile, in April 2011.