Nancy Rivas
Nurse practitioner
Avid traveler, movie enthusiast and dog lover
About me
Nancy Rivas is a family nurse practitioner who specializes in caring for patients after they have surgery for cancer of the lower digestive tract or for other conditions affecting the colon, rectum or anus. She manages her patients' care during recovery, addresses any complications that arise and coordinates with multiple departments to ensure a smooth post-operative experience.
Rivas is originally from Peru and is proud of her Latino background. She began her education in Lima, where she studied biological science at Ricardo Palma University and earned a medical degree from Federico Villarreal National University. After moving to the United States, she earned a master of science degree in nursing at San Francisco State University. At UCSF, she earned a post-master's certificate, which enables the pursuit of specialty training. She is a certified clinical nurse specialist and family nurse practitioner.
San Francisco State University, MSN, 2007