Refer a Patient: Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient Programs at Langley Porter Psychiatric Hospital
For hospitals or residential facilities wishing to refer patients to our Partial Hospitalization Program after discharge, please call us regarding availability at (415) 476-7400.
If we have availability, please use our confidential fax line, (415) 476-7747, or email ([email protected]) to send us the following information:
- Face sheet (including insurance information)
- Psychiatric assessment
- Physical exam
- Psychosocial assessment
- Medication list
- Lab results (including any substances of abuse)
- Recent psychiatrist's notes
- Recent group therapy notes
- Recent social work notes
We will get back to you after reviewing the clinical information and verifying insurance. If we accept the referral, we will provide a timely intake appointment to you or the patient.
Need help?
(800) 444-2559
(415) 353-4395
(877) 822-4453
Inpatient: (415) 353-1323
Outpatient: (415) 353-4485
(415) 353-8489
(415) 353-8603