The Partial Hospitalization Program and Intensive Outpatient Program at Langley Porter Psychiatric Hospital offer a range of mental health services for patients with moderate to serious behavioral and emotional conditions. This guide includes information to help patients and their loved ones know what to expect and how to navigate our programs from admission to discharge.

We offer services based on provider-determined medical necessity, and care is provided in person only at our Mount Zion location. These are intensive short-term programs designed to be attended consecutively (without missing any sessions).

What to expect on your first day

When starting the Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP), you'll meet with your assigned psychiatrist and clinician for assessment and treatment planning. Your clinician is a master's-level therapist who helps coordinate your care with your treatment goals in mind. Your clinician will be your main point of contact for all questions regarding your treatment. You will meet with your clinician regularly. For the PHP, this generally means once or twice a week. For the Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), this is generally once a week. On your first day, be prepared to let your psychiatrist and clinician know which medications you take and what you've taken in the past.

The PHP and the IOP are group therapy programs. The majority of your time in these programs will be spent attending group sessions focused on developing skills to manage your symptoms.

Feeling nervous on your first day is normal. Don't hesitate to approach a staff member with concerns or questions. After a couple of days, most participants feel more comfortable and adapt to the routine of their program. Eventually, most participants come to value and enjoy their time in the programs, and we hope this will be your experience, too.